We are proud to be one of the largest and most diverse agri businesses in South Africa. This diversity is reflected in our most important asset, our people. Career opportunities on different levels within GWK, include the following:

  • Cultivation, procurement and marketing of all grain products, potatoes, lucerne/alfalfa, cotton, peanuts, pecan nuts and grapes, among others
  • Safex trading of products
  • Logistics
  • Mechanics and irrigation
  • Procurement
  • Marketing of input products such as fertilizer and seed
  • Research and development
  • Insurance
  • Livestock marketers, agents, advisors and auctioneers
  • Estate agents
  • Corporate managers
  • Finances and accounting
  • Human resource management
  • IT
  • Marketing and communication
  • Financing
  • Risk management and audits
  • Administration

Training and development

We conduct business in accordance with our values. Every staff member lives these values in an environment where we offer growth and personal development opportunities.


The Ben Scholtz bursary fund offers students the opportunity to obtain a qualification in careers available within the GWK Group. This fund can be used for registration, class and book fees. Candidates who obtain their qualifications will be considered for vacant positions in GWK. If a vacancy is not available, the bursary will be converted into a loan to be paid back to the Group.

Other opportunities

We invest in the growth of our people by offering skills development to GWK personnel, focusing on developing specific skills required for a certain job. We also offer internships and learner programmes to persons who haven’t completed high school. They will complete an NQF accredited programme over the course of 12 months, while earning a salary.

Staff members who have not obtained a matric qualification, are given the opportunity to complete different levels of ABET to obtain their Grade 12 certificate while working at GWK.

08:00 - 17:00
+27 (53) 298 8200